Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Day 179: The Doors

I was out most of the day, running errands.  Just before getting home, I dropped by Brohaus for my routine threading session.  I love their retro interior, particularly the cabin doors.  

Since I had the title going, I guess this post deserves a Hello, I Love You attached to it, which is probably my favorite song from The Doors.

Kaartehan. :D


  1. Cool! Ang ganda ng concept nila.

  2. @Dianne: Yep, sis. Ang kulit ng decor nila. I also like their service. Never nila akong pina-antay ng matagal. :D

  3. Ang cute ng interior nila. Para kang nasa barko. Hehe!

  4. @Reggie: Onga eh. Yung waiting area nila ang kulit din ng concept. :)

  5. i also like the flooring! where is this? Is it like a private cabin for clients?

  6. @mydailycapture: This is Brohaus in Greenbelt, sis. Ang kulit no? Each door leads to a private room/cabin for each customer. :)
