A photo project aiming to document an entire year in pictures. I would love to say I initiated it, but I'm not in the habit of lying. So, no. I did not invent this project. For more information, you can visit the 365 Project site. My paltry attempts are nothing compared to what you'll see in there.
What made me decide to do a 365 Project?
I took this on because I read a forum on it, and it coincides with my resolution to go back to taking pictures. I cannot even claim to be a photo hobbyist as I do not even own a real camera. I currently take the best shots my Nokia N82 can come up with. Also, I liked the idea of forcing myself to find something nice everyday. I'm getting tired of being neurotic and jaded. They cause premature aging.
UPDATE 04/15/2011: I'm not as poor as I once was. I take pictures using Nino, my lovely Nikon D5000 on most days. Other days, I still use Eight, my N82.
UPDATE 01/02/2014: Well, what do you know? I've been brought up to speed with the times. I still take photos with my Nino, but I prefer using it when traveling for landscapes. Most days, I join the rest of the digital masses by using my iPhone.
What does my 365 Project aim to do?
Self-growth? A chronicle? I honestly just want to take a decent photo each day to stare at and be amazed with. After 365 days, I can tape them all up to wallpaper my apartment. I seriously doubt I'd do it, but who knows? So, no real aim other than to take one photo a day in 365 days.
Where do I get ideas/inspiration from?
Life and living. Sure, it's cliche, but, what else is there to get inspiration from? If there's a drought in creative juices or my muse decides to desert me, I turn to other interests. Music, literature, movies, art, or the internet. The resource of choice, really. I take pointers from the following sites:
- 365 Project - The mother of it all. It's a massive repository of inspiration. I check it out every other day and go, "Oh my *insert profanity*" all the time.
- Things We Forget (TWF) - Cliche, but true thoughts and ideas.
- My Milk Toof - Cute little buggers!
- NASA Goddard Images - I honestly created a Twitter because of this. These dudes in space find time in their floating schedule to take amazing photos of the universe. The universe! Can you absolutely get cooler than that?
- Earth Shots - Seriously? I sometimes look at their photos and want to cry out, "I love this beautiful world!"
- My blogroll - Sometimes, you don't really have to search far for inspiration.
Who is Faith?
Faith is believing. I can probably get more poetic than that, but not today. Someday, maybe I'll edit. But, seriously, all my ramblings haven't been enough to get me figured out?