Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 118: First Few Steps

I'm thinking, it's midsummer and I ought to have more decent photos than the lousy little things in my apartment.  So, I'm heading out.  Imma brave this heat.

Nah.  I really have somewhere I need to be. :)

I'll be back with a photo taken outside of this apartment.


9:00AM MLA.  Byproduct of my short adventure in this heat.

So, this is what I get when I go out of my little safe shell and venture into big, bad, dirty Manila.  I wanted to take a picture of something today that will look good in black & white.  I realized earlier that I enjoyed the colors of my camera too much that I haven't been processing anything in black & white.  Then this pretty little baby showed herself to me.  She looked so innocent.  I bet she just discovered walking.  Soon enough, she's going to discover running.  Honestly, this photo looks a bit sad for me.  A little girl with a mineral water bottle standing in for her feeder.  I kept looking back at her face, though, and I just can't shake off the feeling that she gives a certain kind of Shimmer (Fuel).  Something only children can do.

It was a tough choice between this little bugger and a fascinating grandfather I saw.  Since, I'm half eight years old, the baby won.

However, since I liked the other photo so much as well, I'm posting it together with this.  My second runner-up is shown after the jump.

I call this, "Morning News".  He reminded me of my dad a bit.  The only thing missing is the cup of coffee.


  1. i love the first photo. i like taking b&w or sepia photos also because i think there's more "character" in it than the colored ones. yun nga lang, i haven't posted anything (yet) except colored ones :)

  2. @photoparjour: Thanks, sis! :) I love b&w photos. My first couple of months in this project, may conscious awareness to avoid b&w ako. Kasi may time na parang puro grayscale na lang ang pictures ko. You're right, though, there's a whole lot more character in b&w and sepia.

  3. For some reason I like the photo of the granddad better. ;)

  4. Both photos are nice, but I like the first shot better.

    I haven't taken shots in B&W. Maybe, I must try it out soon.

  5. @blackshirt13: Thank you! The second one makes me feel good. :)

    @Reggie: Thanks! :) Go, sis! It adds depth to a picture. I don't know why, but it does.

  6. I like the first photo better. It has heart into it. I actually felt sad too. Keep up the good work. :)

  7. i like the first photo better though the second one gives me the nostalgic effect.. idk! it reminds me of an old commercial, basta something in the past. they were both perfect in B&W.. may dramatic effect.. or i am just being biased since i really like photos more in B&W and sepia.. colored is so common kasi..

  8. @Cha: Thanks, sis. I don't always get photos like this, so I'm glad it turned out okay. :)

    @mango_shake: The second photo is nostalgia for me. Reminds me of my dad in the mornings. I like remembering him that way. :)

  9. both photos are nice for me. :0
